But are there things you could be doing before-hand? Of course, the answer is always yes!
The earlier you can start your CIMA preparation, the more flexibility you will have with your revision and the more chance you will have of covering all of the required areas.
I know from the experience of working with many CIMA students over the years, that the ones that start early, have the better chance of passing their exam!
With this in mind, here are a few things you could be doing before the pre-seen is released:
Learn the key Theory
To have any chance of passing a Strategic Case Study exam, you need to have a sound understanding of the key theory from all areas of the syllabus.
The examiner's have proven time-after-time that they can test you from any part of F3, E3 and P3, so it's important that going in to the exam you feel confident with this.
Prior to the release of the pre-seen could be a good time to start going over the key theory, as you don't want to be playing catch-up with this near exam-time.
Learn the Exam
An area which is often over-looked, is the importance of getting to know the exam and what it is going to require from you.
The Case Study exam is different from the Objective Test exams and so it's important that you dedicate time to getting know what the Case Study exam is going to involve.
There is no benefit in learning the theory, if you don't then learn how you are going to translate this knowledge into marks.
Students are often surprised when they come to their SCS exam, as it is isn't like any other exam you will have taken so far in your CIMA journey.
The exam doesn't simply have questions which you get right or wrong. they require you to answer in a way which encourages the examiner to give you enough marks to pass.
Because of this, it is possible to start your preparation for this before the pre-seen has been released.
Dedicating time to learning how you might go about getting marks in your exam will prove extremely useful when you come to writing your exam.
Skills such as practising your writing technique, learning how you will go about managing your time, and planning how you will structure your answer - can all form the basis of your early revision plan.
Likely Topics
Whilst it isn't advisable to try and guess what topics will come up in the exam, in the risk that you miss something important out of your revision, it is possible to highlight areas that are likely to come up.
For example Ethics is a topic which has appeared in nearly every SCS sitting, and so will likely come up in the sitting you are going to take.
Therefore in the time before the pre-seen is released, dedicating time to learning about Ethics could prove so valuable in the long-term when you come to sit your exam.
How can Astranti help?
Due to our experience with the Case Study exams, we have ensured that we offer help in the areas discussed above.
Why note check out our Study Text, Course Videos and Ethics Pack to see how they could give your revision the perfect head-start?
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