Monday, 24 October 2016

Learn from the Examiner's on How to Pass!

It's vital you make the most of these last few weeks before the exams start. With this in mind, I am going to share with you the key points from the latest SCS Examiner's Report.

Learning lessons from those who mark and assess the exam themselves could be all the difference between a pass and a fail this November. For every sitting I analyse the report and to share the key findings, and there is almost always one or two points which resonate with a lot of students.

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

The sound of success: How to Listen to Music and Work

Did you know, that listening to music could actually increase your productivity and improve your memory?

Past research has proved that a quiet and calm environment is the best way to revise your CIMA exams. However, many students do actually like to have background noise. According to a recent study listening to music during revision can improve your mood which in turn increases productivity and helps students to revise for longer. This is something I certainly find when tackling a heavy Pre-seen document!

Monday, 3 October 2016

Struggling to plan for your Strategic Exam? No worries, Astranti has you covered

The pre-seen is released. Yikes! Now is the time to start hard work, it is always difficult to know how best to revise and where to start. To help you, I have written up a schedule to give you an idea how to tackle the case study. In my experience, those who have a plan and stick to it are far more likely to pass the exam!

Monday 3rd- Official CIMA pre-seen release date - carefully read through the pre-seen case study.

Friday 7th- Watch the Course Videos and read through Study Text Part 1 - watch these to cement your knowledge of what's needed to pass the exam. We recommend these should be watched in synchrony with the Study Text Part 1. Watch a sample of our Course Videos
Monday 10th- Official Course Start Date
Thursday 13th- Begin to work your way through our pre-seen materials - These pre-seen case study materials helps to build an excellent foundation in preparation for the exam. The videos takes you through the whole document and highlights the important areas for you to focus on.

Sunday 16th- Read through Study Text Part 2 - Study Text Part 2 should be read continuously throughout the course. The Study Text Part 2 is a condensed version of our E2, F2 and P2 texts and particularly focuses on those areas most relevant to the case study-  Read a sample chapter of our Study Text Part 2.
Monday 17th- Work through the Ethics Pack- The Ethics Pack is a combination of a video and an e-book which covers a subject that regularly appears in the exam, and which many candidates overlook.
Wednesday 19th- Marker assigned to you
Saturday 22nd- Attend Masterclass 1 - (Watch the recorded version during the week if you are unable to attend the live session).
Sunday 23rd- Mock 1 deadline - Complete mock and send to your marker
Monday 24th- Study our Mock 1 solutions
Tuesday 25th Saturday 29th- Review Mock 1 feedback when returned by marker
Sunday 30th- Mock 2 deadline - Complete mock and send to your marker
Monday 31st- Study our Mock 2 solutions

Tuesday 1st-Saturday 5th- Review Mock 2 feedback when returned by marker
Sunday 6th- Mock 3 deadline - Complete mock and send to your marker
Monday 7th- Study our Mock 3 solutions
Tuesday 8th-Saturday 12th- Review Mock 3 feedback when returned by marker
Sunday 13th
- Masterclass 2 - (Watch the recorded version during the week if you are unable to attend the live session)
Tuesday 15th-Saturday 19th- Real exam
Wednesday 16th- Mock 4 deadline
Saturday 19th- Masterclass 2
Sunday 20th- Mock 5 deadline
Monday 21st- Study our Mock 5 solutions
Tuesday 22nd-Saturday 26th- Real exam

Whilst this schedule may look intimidating, you can use it as a framework to create your own schedule.