Monday, 24 October 2016

Learn from the Examiner's on How to Pass!

It's vital you make the most of these last few weeks before the exams start. With this in mind, I am going to share with you the key points from the latest SCS Examiner's Report.

Learning lessons from those who mark and assess the exam themselves could be all the difference between a pass and a fail this November. For every sitting I analyse the report and to share the key findings, and there is almost always one or two points which resonate with a lot of students.

The examiners get tired of having to repeat themselves on where students are going wrong, so here are the top three key themes from the latest SCS report so you do not make the same mistakes as past students:

1. Don't forget ethics!!

An early point made in the report was about ethical principles:

“There were several weak areas in which candidates struggled. For example, ethics; many candidates could not name the ethical principles, apply them or even recognise an ethical issue".

Ethics is a topic often overlooked by students, do not make this mistake! Many of the questions will allow you the opportunity to bring in ethical issues and corportate responsibility, if you do not study this beforehand you may not be able to recognise this in the question and you certainly will be less likely to pass the exam!

2. Stick to the question!

This is a point that we have raised on numerous occasions, and it is one which the examiners also frustrated by:

“The main problems were candidates failing to address the specific task requirements and writing everything they knew on the topic being asked about".

Knowledge is important, but how you use the knowledge is what's crucial. You should NOT be wasting your limited time on rattling off information that is not applicable to the question, make sure your answer is focused and you always refer back to what you are being asked to do.

3. Know the Pre-seen

It's simple. But comes up far too often the examiner's report:

“Some candidates, however, did not demonstrate much knowledge of the pre-seen material which was surprising; it was as if candidates did not realise it was important".

The pre-seen should be known by the time you get to the exam. It is extremely important you always refer back to it and a better knowledge of it will make you far more confident when tackling the un-seen document. The examiner's are less than impressed when the pre-seen has not been used effectively in the exam, it is clear that knowledge of the industry is what gives you a better chance of passing.

As already you may have gathered, it is VITAL that you look at what the examiners have found in previous sittings as you can then ensure you have considered these issues before your own exam. 

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