Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Do you get distracted? I know I do! Four tips to minimise distractions

Don't let distraction lead to CIMA failure! 

Sometimes, the temptation to get distracted and lose focus during CIMA exam periods can be almost irresistible. Going through the same or similar things over and over can be so frustrating that you spend your time staring at a wall, flicking through your phone or doing anything that isn't revising!

To overcome this, I have devised a few useful tips to help you become productive even when things get tough:

1. Manage your time

It's so simple, but planning out your revision schedule for the day will give you direction and help keep you focused. Rather than working for a few minutes, having a snack and then getting back on with work, I recommend that you complete each task in your plan and schedule revision breaks. This means that when the break comes, it is deserved, as you have accomplished something by that point. 

2. Work in the right environment

Social or busy places are never going to be helpful during revision time. Search for a dedicated space that you can have as your study space. Often, finding a good working environment is invaluable, as it plays a key part in making your revision productive.

3. Don't do it all alone

Ask a friend or a family member to quiz you on your revision or just talk through what you have been studying. This will help you to identify where things are going well and of course areas needing improvement. It can even make it more fun! 

4. Stay motivated

Remember why you are going through the pain and stress of revising for your CIMA exams - in the long term you're reward will be enhanced career prospects and gaining a professional qualification (and hopefully earn more money!). Whenever you feel distracted and tired after a long day, remind yourself about the long term prize! This will help you to stay motivated and keep you on track for success in your CIMA exams. 

For more useful tips and resources for the CIMA Strategic Case Study exam, visit 

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