With the SCS
exams starting next week, it's VITAL you make the most of the remaining days.
However, having over-seen a number of case study exams I know how difficult it
can be to know what to do between now and next week - so I have decided to share
with you a plan to follow.
1) Read through the August Examiner's Report - this report contains very important information! It includes VITAL advice for students sitting the November exam and identifies exactly what the examiner's will be looking for! August SCS Examiner's Report
2) Familiarise yourself with the pre-seen analysis and industry background - consider the issues that could come up in the exam and the implications for Portafone. Being aware of these before you get into the exam will put you at a significant advantage as you will be able to write more comprehensive answers. Join in with our Industry Discussion on our Strategic Disqus forum (scroll down on the link).
3) Complete one final mock exam (if you have
time for more then even better!) - completing one last full script, with
well developed sections, will cement the exam practise you have been doing
- ensuring you have your time management mastered!
5) Ask any outstanding questions - if you are on the full course why not take advantage of our Tutor Forum? Our tutors always aim to get back to you as soon as possible - Tutor Forum
6) A mini-mock is perfect for the day before an exam - A full mock is probably a little too much, particularly for those of you at work, so why not have one last go at our free mini-mock? If you've not completed this yet - attempt our free mini-mock from the Strategic Members Area.
7) Write and memorise some pre-learned paragraphs. This can score easy marks in the exam. You should memorise paragraphs which take a piece of theory such as a model, explain how it works and then apply it to the pre-seen. However, don't forget to apply this to the question asked in the exam!
8) Revise key theory. It is vital that you learn all the key theory. You should know this by now of course, but one final review is important. Our Study Text Part 2 summarises what we believe are the most important theories you need to know from E3, F3 and P3.
9) Review your key facts sheet and strategic analysis of the pre-seen on the morning of the exam so they are fresh in your mind.
10) Create a one-page summary of pre-seen facts to learn (e.g. who are the people and what are the key figures). You will not have time to refer back to the pre-seen on the day of your exam, as your main focus will be on the unseen material!
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