Monday, 11 September 2017

Which type of learner are you - and which CIMA resources should you use?

Everybody is different and we all learn in different ways. Experts agree that there are four main learning groups into which individuals fall - visual learners, audio learners, linguistic learners and physical learners.

Read on to find out more about these different learning groups and how your own learning type could effect which type of study material is best for you!

  • Visual learners

If you enjoy learning from charts, graphs and illustrations, then it's likely you're a visual learner! Visual learners prefer to see everything in front of them and have an eye for style and flair. If you are currently studying for CIMA OT exams, why not grab an assortment of highlighters and make yourself a poster to hang up somewhere?

Astranti offer CIMA OT tuition videos which are very visually dynamic and highly likely to hold the attention of visual learners. If you are a visual learner, this kind of resource will definitely be more suited to you than, for example, a study text. Find out more about Astranti's OT tuition videos here.

  •  Audio learners

Do you prefer listening to the audio version of a book rather than reading?  If you prefer using your ears rather than your eyes, then you could be an audio learner.

If you're an audio learner, tricks such as reciting information back to yourself, getting a friend to ask you technical questions and speaking to other students about key theories could be the ticket you need to success. Audio learners thrive on interactive listening.

Again, for audio learners I would highly recommend Astranti's tuition videos, as well as Astranti's masterclasses. Both of these video formats contain highly detailed audio commentary from Astranti's expert tutors, which will resonate well with audio learners and help aid learning.

  •  Linguistic learners

Linguistic learners find it easiest to learn using words - both verbal and written. If you are this kind of learner, writing, re-writing and verbally reciting information can help you to learn it best.

When studying theory-based subjects, linguistic learners are often at an advantage, since they can read and absorb long bodies of text. So, if you are this kind of learner, do what you do best; write it out!

When it comes to your CIMA OT exams I would suggest you get a printable copy of Astranti's OT study text, re-write the key points in your own words and then re-write these notes a third time or ask a friend to test you on the content!

  • Kinesthetic learners
Kinesthetic learners learn through doing. This usually involves some kind of movement - dancers, performance artists, woodworkers - these are all professions in which kinaesthetic learners would typically thrive.  But what about those of us studying for CIMA OT exams?

While accountancy is more about mental movement than physical, it is very useful for kinaesthetic learners to practice 'doing' an exam before they sit it. Even the motion of scrolling through an exam and answering the questions can be immensely helpful for the learning process of a kinaesthetic learner. For this reason, I would highly suggest that kinesthetic learners try to complete Astranti's CIMA mock exams before the real thing.

Astranti's exam practice kits are also hugely helpful in allowing students to get into the habit of answering theory-based questions - great for kinesthetic learners.
So, which type of learner are you? Click here to find out.

Surprised? Which of the materials mentioned above materials do you find most useful and does this match with your designated learner type? We'd love to hear about any tips you may have for other learners!

I hope this post has been helpful, and most importantly, inspired you to achieve CIMA success! Don't forget to like Astranti on Facebook and follow Astranti on Twitter. Until next time, happy studying!

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